Mom of 3 girls takes you on her inspirational journey to live life to the fullest for 365 days prior to her 40th birthday...and invites you to take the pledge to live your best life!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Days 30-32 - Living with my kinky hair!

Why Does It Take So Long to Do My Hair?!
For the past three days, I haven't been able to do much more than HAIR!!!!  I know that some of you may not understand this, so I'm going to explain this crazy journey I've been on with my hair...

I grew up with very thick, very long, natural hair.  This means that my hair was free from any chemical, straightener or otherwise.  When I turned 16 years old, my mom ddecided that a relaxer would be a good idea, as I was leaving for a one-week trip to DC.  She didn't think I could handle my natural hair on my own and she was sooooo right!  For years I wore a relaxer and loved how straight my hair looked, but making sure I didn't overprocess it (or allow someone else to over process it), soon became too much work.  Finally, as an adult, I made the decision to go natural, slowly getting inch by inch cut off until finally there was no more relaxer in my hair.  I wore it natural for years, then moved to a new town and quickly discovered that very few people could do natural hair well, like they could in Chicago.  I went back to a relaxer!

Needless to say, it all broke off and I started again, with a short do and a commitment to stay relaxer-free.  I've been this way now for five years....So how did I end up doing hair for three days.  Here goes:

The Blowdryer!
On Sunday, I started taking my hair down at 8:00am.  I only took two breaks totaling 10 minutes and didn't finish taking my hair down until 4:30 pm!  Yep, it took over 8 hours to take down my twists!  What was I thinking, getting this hairstyle?   It seemed like such a great idea when I got them, but after they started to look like they were going to lock, it was time to take them down.  After I finished taking them down, I had NO energy–not even enough to comb the tangles out of my hair.

So, the following day, I ended up just pulling it up in two ponytails.  This also allowed my tender scalp to get some rest.  The next day, I finally had the energy and strength to tackle combing through it...An hour later, I had most of the kinks out and called my stylist to see if she could fit me in.  This morning, I headed to the salon.  I can't begin to tell you how I dread getting the tangles combed out of my hair!  I'm still waiting for someone to invent a better solution than the process I use now. My stylist, Jay, does an amazing job, but I'm still waiting for a product that makes this process as easy as a-b-c!  Any ideas?  I'm open!

Arriving  at the Salon!
Another comb-out...I guess I didn't get all the tangles!

After shampoo

After Shampoo

During blow-dry

After blow-dry

After trim and during Iron-out!

More Ironing out!

Ila crying real tears as she thinks about what this will mean for her–poor girl!!

Jay starting to curl

Curling - not too tight!

All curled!

Finally done!


Anonymous said...

I don't feel sorry for you. I would kill for hair like that. :) Jay always does such a wonderful job! You look beautiful - even with that Afro!

livingoutloud said...

Hahaha! Grass is always greener on the other side, my friend--but I'm not complaining, just wish I could find an easier way to manage it!

Anonymous said...

My idea.. A damn good wig. :)

Renee Ruffin Merrill said...

Although I have been reading your other pages and could probably give a testimony to every one, this one really jumped out at me today, as I sit here in Fresno, where I have yet to find a hairstylist, with my natural hair in a messy bun, shrunken by 100 degree heat. I haven't gotten a relaxer since I had Micah 3 years ago and have since worn weaves and wigs, but wanted to break from them, particularly since I wanted to make sure that my head was in the right place about "our" hair once I had my daughter Maia. So, I took my weave out in February and haven't gone back...yet. I have enjoyed making friends (and sometimes doing battle) with my hair and am more comfortable doing both my and Maia's hair in a variety of styles. I still have a lot to learn in managing our hair, but I am very proud to say that from my afro puff to N'Gai's locks to Micah's close-cut curls to Maia's tiny little pigtails, we are a natural hair family! Love you, Ericka, and appreciate your posts! Keep on keepin' on with your Rapunzel hair! :-)

Anonymous said...

Ill trade you for my fine straight hair for a day:) we should do a photoshop with my head and your head to trade hair for a day that would be funny.. Katrina

livingoutloud said...

Renee, you raise a great point. I try really hard not to send a message to the girls that they have to have straight her to be beautiful. Every now and then, I will let them get it straightened, but I definitely prefer that they stay as natural as possible. They are such beautiful girls as God made them:)... Thanks for helping me to keep site of this...

Katrina, that would be funny! I love my hair and wouldn't trade it–thanks for making me think about and appreciate what God has given me!