Mom of 3 girls takes you on her inspirational journey to live life to the fullest for 365 days prior to her 40th birthday...and invites you to take the pledge to live your best life!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Day Seven and Day Eight (weekend)

I debated about whether I would write on the weekends, as I didn't want to spend all my time writing and not enough quality time with my family!:)  I decided that I would write about the weekend on Sunday nights or early Monday morning.  So, here I am Monday morning reflecting on a great weekend.

This weekend, one of my daughters and my husband spent the morning participating in a plane pull, raising money for the Special Olympics.  22 people pulled an 80 ton plan, 12 feet.  The team who reached 12 feet in the shortest amount of time were the winners.  The truth is that they were all winners...The teams paid to register for the contest, which in turn raised money for the Special Olympics, a wonderful cause (  I would love to say that I made it to this event, but I spent Saturday morning with my older daughter getting her hair done--6.5 hours.  The bright side is that she finally finished her summer reading!

After hair and plane-pulling, we attended a very special event...a going away party for our baby-sitter!  She's headed to college and we are so proud of her.  How great it is to see young people with a world of opportunity in front of them.  This is just the beginning for her.  We are excited to see her start college, but sad to see her leave, as she has become a part of our family!:)

At the party, a friend asked me why I decided to write the blog.    The obvious reason is that I had just turned 39 and realized that there was so much more I wanted to do in life that I hadn't done and this blog was a way to communicate those things, solicit suggestions and commit to myself that I wouldn't let another year go by without doing so many of those things.

It wasn't until church service on Sunday that I realized, however, that I had nothing to do with this blog...that although I sometimes like to think that I am in control, the truth is that I am not.  When I wrote the blog post last week about our miscarriage, I asked my husband to read it first because I wanted his opinion about whether it was too personal.  His response is that if it's true and it's how I feel–that I shouldn't edit it--that no one benefits when you edit the heart and soul out of it.  He was saw right!  I didn't edit the message...and this was the same message our pastor preached on Sunday.

He talked about how, when we people testify, they may have the tendency to "clean up" their church testimony...and how that helps no one.  He reminded us that when we are going through tough times, that's when God can use us most and that others need to hear our testimony, no matter how much of "mess" it is.  Since I started this blog, I see the truth in that.  I have received so many inbox messages of people sharing their life experiences in an open and honest way.  I have drawn strength from your messages and from your posts.
I only hope that more of you will post directly to the blog, even if you do it anonymously.  Others are going through what you have gone through and could benefit from your trials, tribulations...and wisdom.  My hope is that you won't "clean up your mess" when you post and that you will allow others to experience God's mercy through you.

We have an extremely busy day today:)  Looking forward to Day 9!

1 comment:

DwightG said...

shout out to my middle daughter Ari Jah for being a trooper at the plane pull. She did a great job cheering our team on. will have to get her out on the tarmac next year. By the way Mrs. G think you and I have a date with some rollerblades this evening...