Mom of 3 girls takes you on her inspirational journey to live life to the fullest for 365 days prior to her 40th birthday...and invites you to take the pledge to live your best life!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day Ten - Eight Things I Love About you!

Lights!  Camera!  Action!  Those are just three words that describe my seven-year-old!  She loves to act.  Since she was three or four, she would say that she wants to be an actress when she grows up.  She landed her first role in a school play, as the only first grader with 4th-12th graders!  Let's just say that I don't think we could ever turn back!  Yesterday, she had a call-back for an audition, so I let her sleep until almost noon, then woke her up so that she could read her lines.  She read them a few times and off to the audition, we went.  I used the two hours we were there to work on a family tradition we started some years ago.  For each birthday, we write the age number of things we love about the birthday for her eighth birthday, I wrote the eight things I love about her.  The girls look forward to it...and it has become the highlight of their birthday!

To a girl who is smart, confident, sassy, sweet, kind, compassionate, hard-working and determined, here are the  EIGHT THINGS I LOVE ABOUT YOU!

1.  You love to read.  Every night when I come in to check on you, there is a book or your Kindle in your bed, right next to your head:)  I always  know that you have fallen asleep reading. You read so much that you have an understanding of things that most eight-year-olds don't have.   A couple of days ago, when I was struggling to put together a toy for your little sister and I refused to read the instructions, you quietly read the instructions and told me what I was doing wrong.  You smart kid, you!

2.  You love and respect animals.  Since you were a young girl who loved to feed the pigeons, I always knew you would love animals and have a special connection with them.  I also love how eager you are to walk our dog, Midnight, every day.  As small as you are, I never have to worry about him pulling you- because he respects you!  What a special gift to be able to love all god's creatures.  Even when we found the snake in the house, you were so excited to see it and take a picture of it.    What a brave girl!

3.  You put 100% effort into everything that you do.  From academics to theater to gymnastics, I am amazed by your drive, discipline and commitment.  You always DREAM BIG and accomplish your goals!  I know that you will be successful, no matter what you choose to do in life because you always put in the time, preparing!  You don't "half-do" anything and I'm so inspired by you.  What a blessing, little girl!

4.  Speaking of blessings, you understand that God is the head of your life.  When I walk into your room each morning, it is such a nice way to start my day to see your cross next to you and know that you have thanked God for yet another beautiful day.  You are blessed.

5.  You are loving and helpful with your little sister.  I love how willing and excited you are to read to her, play with her and feed her.  Your patience with her is also commendable.  You are doing a great job teaching her to be a good person.  She already looks up to you.

6.  You respect your big sister.  Although you know just how to push her buttons, I love that you look to her for guidance.  She helps you with gymnastics, art and other things that are bothering you--and you actually listen:)  There's nothing that makes me happier than seeing you have a good relationship with your sister.

7.  You keep me from "losing my mind.". When I lose my key, my phone, my headset, etc, you  always know exactly where they are.    When we head to the car each day, I never have to worry about those things because you are  always one step ahead of me.

8.  You are a positive kid!  You find the good in people and in every situation.   You understand that mental toughness is more than half the battle and do an amazing job at bringing out the best in others.

You are a beautiful little girl and I am proud to have you as my daughter.  Happy 8th Birthday, Sweet Girl!

Looking Forward to Celebrating Day 11, my daughter's birthday!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I love this. Now, I'm stealing this idea - but I'm telling you about it! :)

LaTonya Foster said...

Happy Birthday Ari! Love your tradition Ericka!!!

Chouquette said...

Awww, I love this idea! Wish I had thought of it when Peran was born. How wonderful for the kids to read about the things that make them special <3 I was really moved by what you wrote, and thought once again what great kids you have, and what great parents they have! :)

DwightG said...

I cherish those moments when we read together. She and E'noa are growing up so quickly that I melt when they still want to sit in daddy's lap and be read to.

DwightG said...

I really love my girls