Mom of 3 girls takes you on her inspirational journey to live life to the fullest for 365 days prior to her 40th birthday...and invites you to take the pledge to live your best life!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Days 54-58, I hacked my Mom's blog:) Jejeje!

First stop - Chicago!
We've been preparing for a trip to Belgium for a few days and my mom decides to blog about getting our house in Indy ready and to blog about the trip to Belgium.  What do you think happens when my mom doesn't log out of her blog?  You got it Mom, you've been hacked!
So as you can see the post below is from me, the middle girl.  I'm eight years old and I love to read and write.  I read a lottttttttttttttttttttttttt and I write about almost everything in my journal, which is really my ipad notes:)  I've already been writing about our trip, so here it goes.  I hope you like the color change of the blog too!

I'm in Belgium, Brussels. I'm moving there for three years so I'm going to have to leave all my friends and gymnastics. BUMMER:( But on the bright side, I mean it's not like Belgium is a bad place to live.  If I had to live in a really bad place, I suppose there wouldn't be a bright side.  So back to Belgium. 

It's so cool here. There are just so many colors and paintings and the best thing of all is that in Belgium, the people are like so crazy about animals. In Belgium, you're allowed to  go to the mall with your dog and no one says anything.  Actually, some people actually admire your dog or dogs. In Belgium, they also have a lot of horses.  In fact, my mom was talking to her friend in the U.S. and the other mom was saying that she might have to arrange to have a horse brought over Belgium-just to get like a real horse instead of a pony for her daughter.  

I still don't know about the food just yet because we haven't had lunch yet because we were sleeping and I slept through breakfast on the plane. I think the food will be really good but keep in mind I don't know for sure so don't get your hopes up!:( I'm suppose to be walking outside, but my mom and sister are taking way too long so I'm just going to go out with my dad and meet my sister and my mom. We finally got outside as a family-yay! 

We walked and looked around.  We found the supermarket and it's really cool but we didn't get anything at the store. We didn't want to carry the bags around while we were looking for the school.  Then we were walking to the new school we are attending and we saw a big black cat so we were really quiet but the cat heard us so it turned around and so did we.  Finally, we found our way past the cat." Whew!"  Anyway, we got to the school and we loved it, it looked very professional and educational and it has everything we girls adore, art everywhere, an amazing theater and a huge music room.

 My Dad forgot to bring passport photos for his visa &
My sis had to translate French for him - haha!

The Supermarket

Salmon with goat cheese is definitely for adults.

Now, we are about to eat. I'm getting linguini and shrimp croquettes with water . I just got bread and I hope it tastes good!:)  The bread was fantastic!  But they gave us something else and it was disgusting (salmon with goat cheese wrapped inside?  What's that? I even spit it out it was so bad!   I think you have to have adult taste to like it.:)  I also just ate shrimp from the sea and it made me kind of sick too. I couldn't swallow it down and no one wants to know the ending to that story ( ha)!:)  We have been waiting here for forever, maybe even 40 minutes or more  ( I'm tired of waiting argh)! Finally, the food came and I was so happy. So I tried my food and it wasn't bad but it wasn't good ether. I think only my dad and my mom liked their food. Enoa kept saying that the beef hurt her jaw and her teeth. We didn't get dessert because we didn't want to wait any longer. 

Shrimp croquettes

Well, if you are planning to go to Brussels now you know what to expect, the first day at least.  Today, we visit our new school and hunt for houses.  I'm sure it will be a good day, now that I know what to expect!  I'm looking forward to day 59!


Anonymous said...

Its katrina! I miss you guys already and your not even officially gone.

Anita said...

Sounds like you are having fun exploring, girls...maybe lunch will be better, Ari! :)

Anonymous said...

Ari! Nice job. You need your own blog. I think I would have liked the food because I'm old and have adult tastes like your mom and dad. Enjoy your trip! DeShong

Dolonda said...

Hey Ari, you are an excellent writer, looking forward to Day 59 in your words, have fun, hope you find some good food soon, luv ya!

DwightG said...

Excellent job Ari! I think you have a career as a writer, or actress, or gymnast, or business person or anything you want to be