Mom of 3 girls takes you on her inspirational journey to live life to the fullest for 365 days prior to her 40th birthday...and invites you to take the pledge to live your best life!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Days 66-67, A sick baby...

Allergies!  It seems these days that allergies are my worst enemy!  Puffy, red, itchy eyes, constant scratching inside my ears, sneezing and coughing are just a few of the symptoms I deal with each year as the seasons change.  Years ago, I spent many days at my allergist's office in an attempt to live with my dog, Winston, at the time.  Then, somewhere along the way, things got better.  I stopped going and of course, gradually things got worse.  I now live with a constant sniff and wish I could figure out how to resolve the problem.   I decided that I didn't like the shots and have never taken the time to revisit the situation.  You're probably thinking–wasn't this supposed to be a blog about having a sick baby?  Okay, Okay, I'm getting there!  I thought I mentioned that I was a bit frazzled...

As if my allergies weren't enough over the last week, having a sick baby has been rough.  That sweet little girl has worn me out:)  She has a chest cold and her first top tooth is coming in--double whammy!. There wasn't a moment yesterday that I could put her down; I even had to ask someone to hold her so that I could take a bathroom break.   I've tried vapor rub, warm drinks, a warm bath, long naps, pain reliever and cuddling, but nothing seems to help.  As I look down at my sweet girl, I wish that I could take her pain.   I also think about all the childhood years that I was sick and how my mother always seemed to have the answer...There was always some home-made remedy that made me feel better.

I can remember my mom boiling water and boric acid and dipping a towel in the concoction– to soothe my aching "allergy eyes."  I remember that peppermints or baking soda always seemed to cure my bellyache.   I also remember that salt and water always cleared my nose when I had a cold.  I could go on and on.  My mom had so many remedies.  She always knew what to do.   I, on the other hand, am not as wise as my mother.  I am always afraid that I'll do the wrong I cuddle, I rock, I sing and I pray.  Perhaps some day my children will think that I had all the answers...Only time will tell.
Even sweet when she's not feeling well...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sent you a text but piper always got two teeth at a time and that gave us many rough nights. hylands brand teething tablets are a hoemopathic option sold at wallgreens. I asked my doc and she said they were fine id give piper those and gripe water. and sometime chamamile tea also alternated ibupro with tylenol. Good luck she will be better soon :)katrina